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Tips for maintaining breast health

Abnormalities in the breast must have been a nightmare for women. Confidence lost, and not infrequently affect the relationship with a partner. Breast care was also needed to be healthy and beautifully manicured. Abnormalities in the breast arising in various forms
Decreased breast firmness is a scourge for women. Therefore, the breast needs to be treated, should we treat other body parts. Use or Wear a bra to keep the breast forms stay beautiful. Select the appropriate size for a bra to support the breast well. And we also need to regularly clean the area around the nipple with cotton wool soaked in warm water. Not only that we also need to do moderate exercise with a focus to strengthen the chest muscles. After that we also need to apply olive oil on the breast to retain moisture. In order to maximize results, do a light massage with gentle movements.
In addition, for there are a few tips as well as to treat breast is as follows: "can begin in a position lying on his back, put your right hand under his head. Place a small pillow under your back to the right. Then Raba all parts of the right breast using the 3 middle fingers clenched. Then Make a circular motion and gentle but steady pressure. Perform this movement slowly from the edge clockwise. Repeat the same movement on the left breast. Feel and look carefully, if the lump appears suspicious. Gently press the area around the nipple. Note, if the nipple discharge is not normal. In the standing position and arms straight down, carefully both breasts in front of the mirror. Note, if there is a lump or change in breast shape. Raise both arms straight up. Repeat the above steps diligently.
From a few quick tips can provide an extra for the women to better keep the organs breasts order to avoid the various diseases that can cause adverse effects. Dai So from now on for more attention to breast care, breast health because it is very important for women, hence the presence of a terawatt breast can increase a harmonious relationship with their husbands.